Well this page is site updates I guess.
added the music page and a few alt texts
added a chatbox!
FINALLY A FUCKING VISITOR COUNTER THAT WORKS! YES! IT'S ON THE INDEX PAGE! I GOT IT FROM HERE:https://sadgrl.online/learn/articles/last-update-visitors
moved all images to /images, now it's tidier; changed my button to something that doesn't make me cringe as much. i also started translating the update log in italian.
Changed the name of the "stories" page to "life" page. though it fit more. also, i've decided to not write stuff that happens to me on the updates log unless it directly impacts the making of the site. yeah that's it sorry it isn't much.
Added an actual line of text to the stories page.
fvvgkdurefj sorry for not updating again i got sucked in pokeheroes hell. anyways today i added the stories page and the sims page but for the former i need some nice images really badly. also just one thing:
I was about to write a whole paragraph of text on how both the "strong tag" and the "b" tag weren't working, but I think that's just the font. I'll change it.
OK, so i have absolutely no idea of what is wrong with this, but if i try to use any fucking font as a fallback this shit completely ignores that i put the Verdana font there at all. i wanted to show you a picture but even paint is giving up on me. fucking M S ⠀p a i n t. i don't even know anymore. til i find a solution i guess we have to give up on bolding words. (p.s. wow that was long) (p.p.s. https://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=aspirationfailure check me out on pokeheroes)
ok so:
Added the "interests" page. I plan on adding something more to it but I don't know what to write. Also translated the "about me" page.
I plan on atleast making the site usable before school starts (which happens in the second week of september). Which is. Um. I can't guarantee anything, because between all the summer homework and me procastinating i'm not really focusing on the site. Sorry. (wow i wrote a lot)
Well, no site updates today i guess
btw, today i went to my grandma's because her old pc broke when she interrupted an update and i had to reinstall the old windows 7 games for her. i used this: https://win7games.com link if anyone is interested
Wow, actually added the update log yayy + minor additions
also i just saw the worst site ever lol that i totally won't be thinking about for the next five days lol. Truly the wonderfulness of the internet